Friday, October 24, 2008

My friends beautiful kids...

One of my favorite things, among many, I love about being back home is reuniting with my high school friends. I had such good friends in school, the kind I knew I would have forever and no matter how much time passed between seeing them, I knew we would be able to pick right up where we left off like no time had passed at all. When I make the 40 min. drive to go and visit them I smile as I think about how I can do that now. How I can see them whenever I want and I'm no longer 6 hours away. It's a really cool thing. So Thursday we got together with our kiddos, each of us having two and it's always a bit chaotic, but always fun. I absolutely cherish my time with them!

More fun fall pictures

We went to visit Aunt Shelly at work and I just happen to have my camera ;) I feel like fall is passing me by so fast then we will be experiencing our first full winter in Indiana in years. We moved in Feb. at the tail end of winter so it wasn't too bad. So now Brad and I are thinking things like, wow we need to get winter coats I guess? And I need to stop wearing open toe shoes soon. It's been a good 8 months for us here in Indiana, I can't believe in just a couple more months we will have been here a year already. I love my life, I love my family. Thank you God!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Birthday's are the best!

I love fall...who doesn't! It's beautiful outside, today Brad and I took the babies and just drove around after church and looked at all the trees. They seemed to have changed overnight. Brad went to a youth retreat for church this weekend in Brown County and said it was even more beautiful there. He said one road he was on looked like it was straight out of a movie. There is nothing like driving down country roads in Fall! Our Creator is good!

The babies went to their second birthday party this October. The first was their little friend Kaylee's party. She turned two and had an adorable little party outside in their backyard. It was a perfect day and the babies loved it. It made me a little sad that their birthday is in winter and they won't be able to have an outside birthday party! The second party was cousin Kayela's. She turned 7, so all the kids were older but the babies still had fun. Asher is a bit obsessed with pumpkins and the creepy decorations at Aunt Shelly and Uncle Tom's, so that kept him entertained. Anyway, I love fall birthday's because of the things you get to do like bob for apples and decorate pumpkins which is what the kids did. It reminded me so much of my long time friend Lisa's parties. Her birthday is October 25th and every year her mom would have a party full of fun fall things to do. It was something I looked forward to every year and now I am excited that the babies have parties to go to in the fall as well! Here are a few cool shots I took at Kayela's party! Happy Birthday Kayela!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Will my babies really be 2 in 3 months?!

It just doesn't seem right! How pushed the fast forward button? I have these two little toddlers now running around and talking! They are so amazing and changing so much. Asher had surgery on Oct. 1st to remove a hernia and to take care of a few little other things and he is doing just fine. Running around like nothing happened. Lilly stayed with Aunt Shelly and Uncle Tom and missed him terribly! It was so cute when they brought her back home, she wanted to love on him so much but we couldn't let her because of his incision and boy was she mad about it! Well this blog isn't going to be a long one because I have 4 tiny hands trying to bang on the keyboard while I type. Here are a few pictures I took the other night of daddy and babies.