Thursday, March 29, 2007

finally snapped a smile!

Here is one of Lilly smiling, I'll have to take a good one of Ash smiling and post it later. She's a sweetie! Then right after that she spit up a bunch on her outfit and I had to change her. Oh well she looked cute for about a half hour! Oh and here are a few Brad and I took last night to show them when they are older! hahaha. Poor things, were way over tired, then tired turned to hungry. They didn't take their last two naps very good, so they were very cranky babies last night and even after they had full bellies at 8:30pm and were very tired, they still didn't fall asleep until about 10:30pm. I still think I heard Asher whimpering at 11pm. We thought for sure that since they were so tired and didn't fall asleep so late that they would sleep longer!!! For a split second I was excited, but just knew it probably wasn't going to happen...and it didn't! 1am , right on time!, actually it might have been about 1:45am, but it should have been more like 3 or 4am! They are not sleeping thru the night yet, still waking up about 1am-2am and again at 5-6am. We are really looking forward to that night when it happens!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

If you start getting sleepers through the night...PLEASE let me know what you did! Mine are.....almost THREE and still not even close to sleeping through the night! :)