Tuesday, April 24, 2007

sleeping thru the night...

The babies are sleeping thru the night now! We never thought it would happen. The first couple of nights it happened we thought it was just sort of by accident because they didn't take good naps the days before, but it's been a couple of weeks now and they usually don't wake up any earlier then 5am and we feed them and put them right back to bed and they will usually sleep until 7am. Lilly can actually sleep until about 8:30 but I usually wake her up! I think Asher is teething already, he chews on his fingers constantly and is doing funny stuff with his mouth and tongue, so it's about to get really fun around here!~


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear you're getting more sleep!

dreamingBIGdreams said...

yeah! now you too can sleep!!! remember they will go through stages where they wake up from time to time. now you know they can do it so don't let themfool you!!!! ha ha!!!