Monday, June 18, 2007

BIG dorky fan...

So yesterday Brad and I were at target shopping for a few things and he says..."ok....if I say this I don't want you to freak out" because he knows that I love this person and have been a huge fan for a long time. Anyway, he then says "look behind you" so I turn around only to see the one and only Wynonna Judd! I love this woman and have for a long time! I couldn't help myself, it was as if something took over and just made me immediately start walking towards her and I could hear Brad in the background under his breath say "oh gosh....." nervously. I knew Brad wouldn't want me to go over and talk to her so I just took off the minute I turned around! So there she was, flaming red hair, big dark sunglasses, she looked great. I went right up to her and said, HI! I know you probably want to be left alone and this is really cheesy, but I have been a fan for a long time and just wanted to shake your hand and tell you how excited I am to meet you! So she shook my hand and said she appreciated me coming up and meeting her and if it weren't for fans like me that still believed in her where would she be! Now wasn't that nice! She was really nice and very cool about meeting me, she even walked over to our cart and asked Brad his name and shook his and and asked us questions about the twins and said they were cute and talked to Lilly for a few minutes (Asher was asleep so he missed the whole event). I was so excited about the whole thing I didn't even ask if I could get my picture taken with her which I'm sure Brad was relieved about that! Anyway, just wanted to share that news with you all!


Alison B. said...

oh my goodness
my first concert and my first tape were both of "The Judds"
we can be dorks together!

Tamara said...

HOW AWESOME IS THAT! You are so cool!! ;)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you met Wynona Judd! You are so cool. I love her! I'm a dorky fan too! The kids are soooo cute! You all seem to be doing very well! Amy you look great! You sure can't tell that you had twins 5 months ago! I wished I looked that great!
Love ya,