Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Lilly and Asher!

The babies turned a year old on Jan. 11th! It was a fun day that we got to celebrate with my two sisters, mom, cousin and nephew. They got in on Thursday night about 11pm so the babies woke up Friday morning to a house full and were very excited about that! They had planned on coming one weekend in Jan. to help us pack and this weekend worked out perfect because of their birthday. Friday we spent shopping at Walmart for birthday presents and NEW CAR SEATS!! The babies are now facing forward and Asher is really likes it. He was getting to the point where he would cry every time we put him in his car seat, but now he seems to really like the new one and being able to have a different view. We all went to dinner Friday night at Demos' Steakhouse and then came home and gave the babies their cupcakes! We didn't really have a "party" for them, but thought we would have a little celebration since some of my family was there. As you can see in the pictures Asher loved it, Lilly hated it. She really got mad when we tried to put some of the cupcake in her mouth. Asher ate almost a whole cupcake and mommy was really scared he was going to wake up with a belly ache! He slept just fine the whole night, thank goodness. Saturday we woke up early and had breakfast, let the babies play with their new birthday toys and got to work. We got soooo much done. I don't know what Brad and I would have done without them coming to help. We thought we had a pretty good start on things until my family started cracking the whip! The babies took an unusual 3 hour nap that day as well, which was a total Godsend because we were able to work that whole time. Thank you so much Christy, mom, Becky, Shelly and Brennen for all you did! Here are a few pictures of the birthday babies!


April said...

Happy 1st Birthday
Lily & Asher

The Roberts

Aurelia Aurita said...

Happy birthday to the dollfaces!A long long life with health and happiness for the whole family:)
They are ABSOLUTELY adorable Amy,I'm so happy for you-and dont worry,as time goes by the cranckiness will be less and less.Kisses!:))))

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe they're a year old already! Where in the world did the time go. I'm just so incredibly happy for you guys. Lydia hated her 1st birthday cake too! She cried and cried until I gave her some Cheerios. How funny! I can't wait to see all of you back in Indiana. Take care! Cassie

Anonymous said...

Soooo Cute! Wow, it's hard to believe that they are a year old already!!! Happy Birthday Lily & Asher! Can't wait to see you when you get all settled in here in Indiana!!!Love ya, Jennifer