Tuesday, August 14, 2007

7 months...already?

Lilly and Asher....where do I begin. They are the most amazing babies and getting such little personalities! My goodness , Miss Lilly can have quite a temper sometimes, no longer my laid back little quiet baby. She can say dada now! over and over and over as a matter of fact! It's the sweetest thing, her little voice is so girly and cute and boy can she cry loud when she wants! She likes peas and green beans more then she likes any kind of fruit! She doesn't like juice very much either. When she is drinking her bottle she loves to pull it out and look at it for a minute and maybe talk to it for a second too, before she guides my hands to put it back in her mouth. They can both almost hold their own bottles, but act like they don't want to! She loves her daddy and her face lights up when he walks in the room. She grins from ear to ear when he looks at her. Asher is more of a mommy's boy, he loves to lay his head on my chest and snuggle, especially when he is tired or just waking up from a nap. I love it. He acts goofy alot and laughs at almost anything it seems and he is really ticklish. He loves food and his bottle, there hasn't really been much he has tried and hasn't liked, maybe peas. Unlike Lilly he loves any kind of fruit and juice we give him. He is rolling like crazy and reaching for everything. We were just in Indiana for another week and I think he pulled down a total of 3 plants at my moms because he got his hands on them so fast. He will hardly hold still for a diaper change now and in Indiana he just started rolling on his belly to sleep on his own. Lilly still hasn't rolled yet! but they can both sit up now, Lilly is a little bit better at it then Asher, but he is getting there. They both splash like crazy in the bathtub now which leaves mommy soaked...we took them swimming in Indiana and thought Asher would love it and Lilly wouldn't like it so much, but it was just the opposite. Lilly loved it and couldn't quit splashing, it was so cute! Asher wasn't sure about it at first, but then he started to like it and joined in on the splashing. Life is so good and we are so happy to have Lilly and Asher in our lives. Things are easier now then what they used to be when they were newborns, but I know that will change again soon when the crawling and walking begins! Here are a few pictures of the little darlings! One of them with their Nanna, of us swimming and a few with their 4 month old cousin Kaylee!


Anonymous said...

They are adorable!!! I enjoy your blog so much. We love to hear your Daddy sing at church!!! He is awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

They are just too cute, Amy! I can't believe how big they're getting. Lily reminds me so much of Lydia. She still doesn't like fruit/ juice as well as vegetables to this day! She wouldn't even eat cake for her 1st birthday. We had to end up giving her Cheerios instead. How fun that they're jabbering now!

Did mom tell you we're expecting #4 now? I'm due April 8th. This is the last one--really!

Take care!
Cassie Hale

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness they are getting so big and look so happy! I can not believe how fast they have grown! I am so happy for you and Brad! :o)
PS..next time you are in indiana let me know..I want to see you guys even if it is a quick visit!