Thursday, January 25, 2007

2 weeks old today already!

The babies are 2 weeks old today and had another ck up with the Dr. He said they look great and are both gaining weight. I can't believe it's been 2 weeks already. Now they won't have to go back until they are two months old! Mommy and daddy are doing good, just trying to get sleep when we can. My mom is still here helping (TONS!) and she leaves this weekend and then Brad's mom comes for a week. The time is getting closer to be on my own when Brad is at work and that thought is a little scary for me, so keep us in your prayers! Right now all I have time to do in a day is feed them and sleep it seems. Here are a few more pictures we took today before they went to the Dr. Ash was wide awake, but Lilly was a sleepy head.

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