Thursday, February 15, 2007

Trip to the Dr.

We took Asher to the Dr. today because the last couple of weeks he has been crying while drinking his bottle. He would drink some (while grunting the whole time!) and then just start crying with this painful look on his face and then cry the whole time we burbed him too. We started to think it might be acid reflux or something so the Dr. wanted to see him. Apparently the boy is just extra gasy and fussy and may even be eating a bit too much! The Dr. suggested we cut back a little on his ounces, which will be interesting because he sometimes acts hungry after we feed him already, but we'll see how it goes. I guess the Dr. was a bit suprised by his weight since the last visit! He now weighs 8 lbs! I wasn't expecting to hear that either. So he is healthy and gaining, that's for sure! Lilly didn't get checked out, but I wish now we would have asked them to at least weigh her too, but we go back in like 3 weeks now for their 2 month ck-up. Anyway, here are a couple of pics in their cute little hats.


Anonymous said...

Hey Amy--FYI Lydia and Emily both did the same thing! They acted hungry all the time, then acted like they were in pain while eating. I finally decided to try a different bottle. I was using Advent with Lydia, and Healthflo with Emily. I switched to the Playtex nursers with the disposable liners and NEVER had another problem! They either weren't getting the milk out easy enough, or were getting to much. Either way, they were swallowing too much air, causing painful gas during feedings. I don't know if you're comfortable switching, but it sure did the trick for both of them! Good luck! Cassie

Anonymous said...

I second that suggestion from Cassie....Lauren had problems early on so I switched out bottles to the Platex nursers and never had another problem.