Friday, October 24, 2008

My friends beautiful kids...

One of my favorite things, among many, I love about being back home is reuniting with my high school friends. I had such good friends in school, the kind I knew I would have forever and no matter how much time passed between seeing them, I knew we would be able to pick right up where we left off like no time had passed at all. When I make the 40 min. drive to go and visit them I smile as I think about how I can do that now. How I can see them whenever I want and I'm no longer 6 hours away. It's a really cool thing. So Thursday we got together with our kiddos, each of us having two and it's always a bit chaotic, but always fun. I absolutely cherish my time with them!


Anonymous said...

me too! I love ya Amy!

Jenny said...

I have all those same thoughts about our friendship and about being able to get together OFTEN now! Love you!